
county family 〔英國〕郡中世家。

county farm

But , before venturing to make the revelation , dubious tess indirectly sounded the dairyman as to its possible effect upon mr clare , by asking the former if mr clare had any great respect for old county families when they had lost all their money and land 但是在冒險說明之前,猶豫不決的苔絲間接地向奶牛場老板打聽了一下這件事可能對克萊爾先生產生的影響,她問奶牛場老板,如果一個本郡的古老世家既沒有錢也沒有產業,克萊爾先生是不是還會尊重。

I should think there were fifty ladies and gentlemen present - all of the first county families ; and miss ingram was considered the belle of the evening 我想有五十位女士和先生在場都是出身于郡里的上等人家。英格拉姆小姐是那天晚上公認的美女。 ”

What would be his civic functions and social status among the county families and landed gentry 在郡內的名門和鄉紳當中,他擁有什么樣的公民職能和社會地位?

You are extinct - as a county family 作為一個郡的家族,你們家族是已經滅絕了。 ”